Over 1500 royalty free original clipart images
Here you will find a lot of free clipart pictures sorted by topics and keywords: automotive car cliparts, baby clipart, birthday clipart, business cliparts, christmas clipart, clipart finance, clipart religious, halloween clipart, holiday clip art, wedding clipart and other great graphics.
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All clipart images from this gallery are available as high resolution images for your commercial projects. You can order there as vector format files (SVG, EPS, AI, PDF) or as bitmap high resolution files (PNG, TIFF, JPEG, GIF) by sending an e-mail to design.cartoon ( @ ) gmail.com.
TOP 33:
Top Rated
Most Viewed
- Aliens
- (16 images)
- Hits: 62,039
- Description: This clipart rubric consists of cartoon images of UFO, kosmos, alien, science fiction illustrations, monsters, space, green cartoon aliens.
- Animals
- (150 images)
- Hits: 508,389
- Description: .In this rubric you will find cliparts of wild animals and insekts such as kangaroo, giraffe, donkey, worm, fish, fox, squirrel, hamster, slug, snail, caterpillar, bear, cetacean, wolf, coyote, eagle owl, starfish, bugs, lady bird, guenon, mole, penguin, bunny, hedgehog, bee, spider, dove, parakeet, zoo, bird and free farm animal clip art
- Anime and Manga girls
- (14 images)
- Hits: 45,796
- Description: Beautiful illustrations with cool manga girls and anime comic people.
- Birthday
- (50 images)
- Hits: 248,051
- Description: This image rubric consists of happy birthday clip art, birthday images, greeting e-cards with birthday cake, bouquet of flowers, happy birthday wishes, birthday gifts, birthday cake, birthday balloons clipart, birthday pictures for print and for send.
- Black and white
- (23 images)
- Hits: 94,028
- Description: Black and white images of people, animals, buildings, cars, signs. They can be used in presentations, work sheets, web projects.
- Buildings
- (19 images)
- Hits: 84,823
- Description: Free building & architecture cliparts, fairy castle, house design, school buildings clipart, Pyramid of Heops, windmill, spire, fountain, stairs, windows cliparts etc.
- Business
- (26 images)
- Hits: 110,459
- Description: Gallery of business cliparts, professions & job clipart including images with business woman clipart, meeting clipart, manager, chef, policeman, cop, officer, doctor, gardener, street worker, building worker, gladiator, painter, customs officer, clown, detective, aviator, flier, flyer, policeman, cleaner, teacher, schoolmistress, bookkeeper, accountant, politician, writer, author, bard, poet, driver, director, builder.
- Cars
- (30 images)
- Hits: 136,536
- Description: This category includes free cartoon automotive cliparts with sport vehicles, military vehicles, cars, car, truck, lorry, automobile, auto, bus, taxi, SUV, tractor, motorcycle, special vehicles clipart.
- Cartoons
- (14 images)
- Hits: 52,606
- Description: There are free images with cartoon clipart pictures and cartoon characters like bottle, book, beer, bear, bee, hippo, funny pot.
- Cats
- (34 images)
- Hits: 112,228
- Description: In this rubric you will find cartoon cliparts with funny cats, kitty, pets, black cat clipart, cat in hat.
- Children
- (20 images)
- Hits: 83,887
- Description: Collection of free cartoon pictures with playing children, teene, child, boys, girls, boy, girl clipart, little red riding hood, boy baseball player, school girl, school boy, little knight, kid, kids, baby clipart.
- Christmas and New Year
- (58 images)
- Hits: 286,950
- Description: Christmas and New Year clip-art pictures for free. Search and download 100% original and unique cartoon cliparts, free Christmas graphics and greeting cards with Santa Claus, Christmas tree, gifts, winter clipart, snow, Christmas song, sock, Christmas bells, train, snow man, deer with slide, candle, rabbit, sock.
- Clothes
- (27 images)
- Hits: 107,556
- Description: Fashion and clothing clip art of fashions, costumes, jewelry, hats, gloves, jeans, sport shoes, coats, bonnets, t-shirts, baseball cup, cowboy hat, western wear, pirate hat, socks, girls wear, ski wear, kids wear, fashion wear.
- Comics free
- (26 images)
- Hits: 85,237
- Description: This rubric includes comic illustrations with comic characters, super heroes and funny comic figures.
- Computer
- (33 images)
- Hits: 133,409
- Description: Computer clipart directory with images of laptop, keyboard, monitor, printer, scanner, workstation, desktop computers, funny computer clipart.
- Diverse
- (50 images)
- Hits: 164,090
- Description: Divers cartoon clipart imges with alphabetic characters, objects like sun, candle, umbrella, cow udder, fire, button, banner, toys, step, bread, sun chronograph, rain, island, stairs.
- Dogs
- (20 images)
- Hits: 79,081
- Description: Free dogs clipart with pets and dogs like German shepherd dog, puppy, dachsdog, sausage dog and other.
- Easter
- (50 images)
- Hits: 154,107
- Description: In this rubric you will find funny greeting cards and cliparts for your easter ideas with easter bunny, easter basket, chocolate, eggs.
- Elephants
- (4 images)
- Hits: 14,936
- Description: There are beautiful african animals - Elephants!
- Emoticons
- (55 images)
- Hits: 209,618
- Description: Funny smiley cliparts, smile, cartoon smilie face, emoticons, smilies, smiles.
- Engineering
- (11 images)
- Hits: 41,813
- Description: Rubric with technical illustrations including crane, helicopter, airplane, aeroplane, aircraft, submarine boat, propeller, motorbike.
- English-German picture dictionary
- (26 images)
- Hits: 99,836
- Description: Free German - English picture dictionary for children and pupils for education purposes.
- Fairy tales
- (48 images)
- Hits: 150,868
- Description: Over 50 free fairy & legend clipart images for little children, school teachers and students. This rubric includes illustrations by cartoonist Wolfi Korn with fire dragon, fairy king, prince and princess, gnome from fairy "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", little rems from "Remland-Stories", knight and horse, shoemaker, troll, fairy frog, princess and diamond flower, magic carpet from "One Thousand and One Nights", donkey from "The Musicians of Bremen by Grimm", reptile, earl, bees from "Striped Legend", angel, magic mirror and more ...
- Farm
- (38 images)
- Hits: 153,853
- Description: In this directory you can free download clipart pictures of farm animals and pets like cow, calf, pig, chick, horse, hen, bee, donkey, sheep, biddy, pear, bulb, noggin. As well there are images of agriculture products and food: cheese, milk, honey, currants, carrots, apple. Farmer and his tractor are here to find as well.
- Flags of the World
- (23 images)
- Hits: 71,481
- Description: Here you can free download cliparts with flags from the whole world. This directory has flags of countries as Canada, England, Finland, France, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Russia, Italy, Spain, USA, American flag clipart and other.
- Football
- (28 images)
- Hits: 166,855
- Description: Clipart images of great sport SOCCER! Here you can download free clip-art images of soccer ball, referee, kicker, soccer player, soccer field, corner, yellow card, goal, goalkeeper, penalty, forward, soccer team, soccer team, fun, first price, traineer.
- Fruits and vegetables
- (15 images)
- Hits: 65,470
- Description: Free clip art images of food, garden and exotic fruits and vegetables like banana, apple, orange, bulb, noggin, mushroom, grape, carrot.
- Halloween
- (40 images)
- Hits: 147,895
- Description: Here you can get Halloween clipart you can use in crafts, halloween decorations or fun activities for children. Find Halloween pictures of pumpkins, ghosts, monsters, dragons, bats, trolls, owls, witches.
- Holidays
- (26 images)
- Hits: 102,394
- Description: Holidays clip art images for presentations about winter and summer holidays with tropic island, ship, tourist, globetrotter, palm, beach.
- Mice
- (27 images)
- Hits: 89,011
- Description: Browse mice and rodent clipart pictures of mice with cheese, of mice with food, rodent footprints, a mouse on a treadmill, mouse using computers and other cartoon images of rodents.
- Military
- (11 images)
- Hits: 41,203
- Description: In this category you can find great free military clip art images of landing soldier, funny soldiers, special force, weapon, officer, air force and military technics, army images, soldier clipart.
- Mother's Day cards
- (44 images)
- Hits: 140,721
- Description: Find and download free Mother's Day graphics, greeting cards and cliparts with roses, flowers, greeting cards.
- Objects
- (77 images)
- Hits: 256,650
- Description: The rubric consists of pictures of objects as tea set, wall clock, table lamp, anchor, moneybag, saving box, radio, teapot, bottles, plug valve, armchair, cup, fire fighters, tube, tv, locator, umbrella, timepiecer, ticker, phonograph, pillow, pad, cutter, bricks, newspaper, pen, sword, cleaner, bell, tooth-brush, pocket lamp, chair, sun glasses, video recorder, cocktail, watch, fireworks, spoon and other ...
- Office
- (26 images)
- Hits: 92,576
- Description: Do you work in an office and do you look for a cliparts for your presentation? Here you will find a lot of office cliparts like boss, clerk, accounter, manager, printer, pencil, pen, marker, notebook, computer, amanuensis, secretary, trader, safe, money, letter, mobile telephone, cellular phone.
- Painting book
- (10 images)
- Hits: 37,693
- Description: Just for fun download free printable coloring pages for kids with bear, gnome, cat, tractor and more ...
- People
- (87 images)
- Hits: 369,833
- Description: This rubric includes people graphics with tired man, woman, guy, boy, girl, grandma, granny, nana, housewife, teene, teenager, skydiver, prehistoric man, pretty woman, cavalier, chavalier, knight, sportsman, craftsman. handcrafter, knight.
- Plant
- (32 images)
- Hits: 112,205
- Description: Rubric with botanical clip art images like tree, trees, blades, stick, flowers, sunflower, moshroom, moshrooms, bell pepper, paprika, cactus, orange, folio, black and white clipart.
- School
- (20 images)
- Hits: 113,032
- Description: Cliparts for teachers and pupils in cartoon style like school bus, school boy, black board, calculator, school bell, book, school building, rubber, student, school boy, girl.
- Space
- (15 images)
- Hits: 47,566
- Description: Original space pictures with space shuttle clipart, rocket, UFO, kosmos, universe, outer space, starship, spacecraft, satellite, science fiction illustrations.
- Sports
- (21 images)
- Hits: 84,320
- Description: Free sport cliparts with similar cartoon drawings of sport arts: boxing, jog, Formula 1, basketball, athlet, fitness, olympic games, olympic flame, olympic fire, parachute, volleyball, soccer.
- Tools
- (10 images)
- Hits: 43,962
- Description: Tool cliparts including hack saws, razor knifes, c-clamps, squares, rake, brush, screwdriver, hammer, nail, spade, turnscrew, besom, broom, axes, garden tools.
- Valentine's Day cards, love and wedding
- (55 images)
- Hits: 197,277
- Description: In this rubric there are free Valentine's day and wedding cliparts, greeting cards, funny images, jokes and pictures for wedding invitations and print opportunities.
Total images in all categories: 1,409
Total number of hits on all images: 5,400,340
Total number of hits on all images: 5,400,340